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Clash of Clans — Jun 19, 2019

June Update - Bugs & Fixes

Hey Chief! The June update is finally live and we hope you're enjoying the new content and balance so far.

We are, however, aware of a few bugs and we wanted to let you know that fixing it is our top priority!

Legend League

  • Players under 5000 trophies (in the 4900s range) are stuck in the "Sign-up to Legend League" screen (they shouldn't have the button to sign up to the Legend League) - and are therefore not able to join the normal matchmaking pool. We will release a fix ASAP with an optional update that we will push to the app stores - stay tuned for further developments on this!

NOTE: Optional Update version 11.651.7 is live and available in the app stores! Please update to this latest version to download the fix for the issue listed above.

New Practice Mode

  • Levels of King and Queen's spawned units is incorrect

  • Collected stars are counting towards "Get Those Goblins" Achievement

  • The army used in the mission become your "Last Used Army" in Troop Training Screen

  • Warden ground/air mode selection carries over to the other attacks

  • When you have the default Siege Machine for practice, arrows to switch to own Siege Machine/CC Troops are still present, even if it cannot be selected


  • Red dot (!) on the upper right corner of the Shop icon won't disappear, though there is nothing new to be purchased or built.

We apologize for the inconvenience, especially to those affected by the Legend League bug. Hang in there Clashers - we're fixing it!

-The Clash of Clans Team

PS: some players are wondering about the 5 attacks instead of 8. When you join the Legend League you may get a reduced number of attacks and defenses for the first day (number of attacks/defenses is calculated based on the time left in that League Day). So tomorrow a full League Day will start and 8 attacks/defenses will be available to Legend players as announced earlier!