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8 Feb 2021
Blog – Brawl Stars

Balance Changes

Balance Changes and Bug Fixes:

- Super Totem's effect gets weaker the more it charges a player’s super
- First Super charge is charged at full speed. The ones afterward charge 1% less per second until the Totem reaches a 50% reduced charging rate.
- This effect is tracked individually per player

- Decreased Super charge rate from Main Attack from 10 to 12 hits

Decreased Main Attack damage from 1120 to 1060

- Rattled Hive Bee count increased from 3 to 4
- Rattled Hive Bees now stop at the first target hit
- Rattled Hive Bee maximum damage decreased from 800 to 600
- Rattled Hive Bee fly pattern changed slightly to move slower and cover less area

- Decreased Health from 2500 to 2400
- Decreased Main Attack damage from 400 to 380

Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue with player-made map reporting that caused some maps to get banned unintentionally
- Fixed Brawl Ball behavior issues related to Sprout's Super
- Fixed Showdown boxes being knocked back by Sprout's Super
- Fixed Ruffs' Pins unlocking incorrectly from Pin Packages
- Added Colette and Lou Pins to Pin Packs