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9 Aug 2024
Blog – Clash of Clans

Anime Medal Event & New Hero Equipment!

Available for players in Town Hall 6 and up, you will collect Magical Crystals by doing in-game activities and progressing through the Event track. These Magical Crystals can be converted into Magic Medals and unlock special rewards, such as the new Archer Queen Equipment: Magic Mirror!


Event Starts:

  • August 9, 8 AM UTC

Event Ends:

  • August 30, 8 AM UTC

After the event ends on August 30, you can still access the Trader’s Event tab and the Medal Event Building for two more days, until September 1st, 8 AM UTC.

New Temporary Troops: M.E.C.H.A and Broom Witch!


  • Available for players in Town Hall 6 and above.

  • Ground troop, defense targeting, damage multiplier against walls!

Broom Witch:

  • Available for players in Town Hall 6 and above.

  • Air unit, the favorite target is Wizard Tower, flies fast and spawns something when taking damage! Take a look! They are ground units and target defenses.

Event Resources!

Medal Event Resource: Magical Crystals

Magical Crystals are obtained by attacking and destroying your opponents' Wizard Towers in the Multiplayer attacks! Gather Crystals to get yourself Ores, Decorations, and more!

Magic Medals

This event’s currency that you can spend at the Trader’s Shop. Use your Medals to purchase a unique seasonal Decoration, resources such as Ores for your Hero Equipment, Magic Items and more. The top-tier item is Magic Mirror, the new Epic Hero Equipment!

New Hero Equipment & Other Rewards!

New Archer Queen Epic Hero Equipment: Magic Mirror:

This equipment summons a clone of the Archer Queen with a certain percentage of her hp and dmg and lasts for a few seconds. In addition, Archer Queen is initially invisible for 1 second after using the Mirror.

And, of course, there will be fun decorations available for you to obtain during the event!

It is time to suit up and take it to the skies! The Medal Event awaits!