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5 Sept 2022
Blog – Clash of Clans

Goblin Maze Challenge Leaderboards

Hey Chief!

Welcome to the Clash Fest "Goblin Maze" Challenge Level Leaderboard! This blog post will be updated with the daily top scores, and after the Challenge Level event is over there will be a raffle among the top performers for some sweet Clash prizes.

The winner(s) of the raffle will receive a message to their in-game inbox (envelope icon at top left corner) to notify them about the win and to give instructions for how to claim the prize. Please find more details from the schedule below.
Each Challenge Level is available in the game until the next one starts. The starting & ending time of these in-game Challenges is 8 a.m. UTC.

Thursday September 1st

  • #1 Clash Fest Challenge Level live: "Goblin Maze" by CarbonFin

  • Raffle prize among top performers (fastest triple):

    Tickets, flights and hotels to World Finals in Helsinki for the winner + 1 friend

  • NOTE:

    The winner must be able to travel to the World Finals which will take place on September 23rd-25th in Helsinki, Finland. The winner will receive an in-game message (envelope icon at top left corner of the home village) and they MUST reply within 24 hours to confirm their prize. If the winner doesn’t reply, or if they’re not able to claim the prize due to travel restrictions or other reasons, then the prize will be raffled again until an eligible winner is found.

LEADERBOARD September 2nd (Fastest Time - CarbonFin's Goblin Maze)

LEADERBOARD September 3rd (Fastest Time - CarbonFin's Goblin Maze)

LEADERBOARD September 4th (Fastest Time - CarbonFin's Goblin Maze)

FINAL LEADERBOARD (Fastest Time - CarbonFin's Goblin Maze)

The following leaderboard includes all of the results up until the end of the Challenge (September 5th 8 a.m. UTC.)


Clash Fest #1 "Goblin Maze" by CarbonFin is a wrap and the winner is PicoHB! Congratulations and can't wait to see you soon in the Clash World Finals in Helsinki!

Clash Fest #2 Challenge "Less is More" by Yuta14 is currently happening in the game and 5 more Challenges are on the way, so there are still plenty of opportunities to win some cool Clash prizes. This is just the beginning...

Thank you all for your participation!