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29 Jun 2017
Blog – Clash of Clans

Cheer Up, it's an Archer Tower Gear Up!

And you know what that means! A new epic feature for you to get to grips with, literally!

The New Geared Up Archer Tower comes with an awesome lever that allows you to toggle between two modes: the good old Long Range and a new Fast Attack!

How do you get it?

This new feature appears after you’ve reached Archer Tower Level 6 in the Builder Base, and Level 10 in your home village. You can only have one geared up Archer Tower in your Home Village at any given time!

And there's more...

This feature gives you even more more variety with your village layout. Awesome, Right?

Just make sure you have the Master Builder available in your Builder Base to get the upgrade!

For more info on Gearing Up and the Builder Level 6 Update check out the video below!