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Clash of Clans – Apr 24, 2020

Clashy Tips To Keep You Entertained!

Spending more time inside your Clan Castle? Here’s some ways Clash of Clans can keep you entertained whilst at home!


Why not use your time to your tactical advantage and learn a new Strategy?

Here are three awesome Strategies for Home Village and Builder Base!

Home Village:

LavaLoon (TH9+) This tanking air attack uses Lava Hounds to shield a parade of bomb dropping Balloons. You can even start with a Queen Walk to take down key targets and create a path for the LavaLoon. Learn more about LavaLoon with Judo Sloth!

Miner Hog Hybrid (TH10+) Versatile, forgiving and devastating! A Queen Charge is funneled to lure the CC and create a path for the Miners and Hogs. Lay Miners before your Hogs as Miners will stop to takedown Buildings. Learn more about the Miner Hog Hybrid from Clash Playhouse!

P.E.K.K.A BoBat (TH10+) This extremely strong attack relies on P.E.K.K.As and Bowlers taking down the Town Hall, before a huge swarm of Bats can come in to clean up the rest. Wall Wreckers are often used to push through to the Core and take down that Town Hall. Learn more about PEKKA BoBat from CorruptYT!

Builder Base:

Mass Baby Dragon (BH4+)
Eric from One Hive’s favorite strategy and one of the fastest upgrade paths to take. Sprinkle Baby Dragons around the Base and try and keep them Raged! Keep replacing any that go down and watch them belch their way to victory!
Learn more with Eric from OneHive

Raged Barbarians (BH5+)
Why not try iTzu’s favorite? A Raged Barbarian army, with a Wall Breaker to break into the Base and a Cannon Cart to support your Raged Barbs. Use the Battle Machine to tank as your Troops tear through the Base.
Learn more from iTzu

P.E.K.K.A Glide (BH9+)
Create a destructive funnel with your Battle Machine and Super P.E.K.K.As. Fly your Hogs in to stun Crushers before they can deal damage, take them out quickly and then clean up the Base.
Learn more from Gaming with Noc

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Rekindle your love for the lower Town Halls!

Why not start a mini account? You can feel the rush of unlocking your first Hero, talk tactics with Troops you’ve not used for years and experiment with strategies you wouldn’t see at a Town Hall 10. Not to mention the donations!

Starting a second account is easy on Android or iOS. Simply log out of your current Supercell ID, and log-in with a new one. Now you can switch between accounts without leaving the game! Learn more about Playing With Multiple Accounts on our Supercell channel, or watch Clash Bashing's walkthrough.

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You’re never stuck inside when you have an entire Village at your fingertips!

The Clash of Clans landscape is always changing, so your Base should change with it. Use the sub-Reddit r/COCBaseLayouts to stay up to date with the latest Bases, get inspiration and advice for creating your own or copy a Base from thousands of Layouts!

Get tips and tricks on building your Base from YouTube, with expert guides and tutorials, for almost any Town Hall!

Scrappy Academy

Sir Moose Gaming

Bisectatron Gaming

ECHO Gaming

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Do you have what it takes to be a Clash Legend?

Greater rewards await you at every League, and any hardcore Clasher can crush Crystal, demolish Titans and achieve Legendary status! Like HKfinnest, the TH7 in Legend League or Tuga Goblins who went all the way with an all Goblin Army… Anyone can be a Legend!

Learn more about Trophy Leagues and their respective rewards on the Clash of Clans Wiki!

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Put your talents to the test and take on some Clashy Challenges that would test even the most hardcore Clasher!

Practice Mode Challenge

Think you’ve mastered Miner Mania and can outplay Angry Babies? Then we’ve got a challenge for you!

  • Clash Practice Challenge:

    Save as many Troops as you can in Practice Mode!

We want to see your best Practice Mode attacks! Can you 3-Star a practice mode without using all your Troops or Spells? Share your best clips with us with the hashtag #ClashPracticeChallenge.

Dragon Slayer

Have you outplayed Single Player? If you think you can slay the mighty Gold Dragon then we want to see your heroic replays!

  • Dragon Slayer Challenge:

    Beat the ‘Dragon’s Lair’ using as few Troops as possible!

Show us your epic battles with the Gold Dragon - hashtag your clips with #ClashDragonSlayer!

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Clash is all about Clans!

If you’re not already part of our thriving community, join us on our social channels for epic content, conversations and advice. You may even find your next Clan member or the perfect Clan!

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Time to flex your concepts and get creative by crafting some Clashy creations!

Fan Art

Let your inner artist out and show us your fantastic Fan Art!

We love your art, so whilst you're stuck ‘inside your barracks’ (like the Troops in Schneiderpox’s latest masterpiece) we want to see what you can create.

Be sure to share your your Fan Art creations with us on Reddit or on the Forums!

Clash of Bakes

Sure, Sourdough- and Banana Bread might be all the rage on social media in these times of self-isolation but why not turn your battles to bakery and make the Clashiest, Cakiest creations EVER!

Oldie but goodie, Ann Readen from How To Cook That once made this legendary Clash of Clans cake!

And another throwback, who can forget this glorious Gold Storage cake by CakesStepByStep?

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Until next time, Chief! Stay safe, stay home and Clash On!