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Sep 13, 2017
Blog – Clash of Clans

Clash of Clans Murals

Everyone can see what the Clash characters look like on the outside. But what happens on the inside? We gave a few world-renowned street artists free rein to go inside the minds of our characters, and bring their own interpretations to life in giant murals!

Mcbess opened up the Witch, and here are the results: the biggest, craziest, skeleton-iest family portrait ever.

When we asked Mister Thoms what he thought was going on inside of a Barbarian the answer was clear...

Skeletons and metal of course!

Some look inside the Archer and see sharp wit and beauty. Lauren YS sees sharp objects, multiple eyeballs, and lots of pink fire!

Maybe Smitheone is right, maybe the Hog Rider does have a helium tank inside. Maybe he’s wrong. Maybe...

Which one is your favorite? Let us know in our Facebook page!