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24 Mar 2020
Blog – Clash of Clans

Coming Soon: Super Troops!

Get ready to supercharge your Village, Chief! Coming in the Spring Update are the brand new Super Troops!

What is a Super Troop?

Super Troops are temporarily powered-up versions of Troops in the Home Village. Each Super Troop will have a unique ability that is different from their normal counterpart. These special units have spent some time in the mysterious new barrel-shaped building that sits near the Trader, but what goes on inside is something left to be determined by future sages and mystics... However, when the Troop emerges from the barrel, they feel refreshed, look fabulous, and are ready to go to battle!

How do I get a Super Troop?

Well first, in order to train the all-new Super Troops, you need to be a Chief of a Town Hall 11 and up village. Simply click on the new Super Troop building near the Trader and it will give you the option to decide which Troop you want to super-ize. Acesss to Super Troops can be bought with resources.

However, it’s important to note you can only power-up one Super Troop at a time. You can even test out the troop in a special trial attack that’s available before you decide to commit to the temporary power-up!

Each Super buff has a 7-day duration, followed by a 7-day cooldown period before it can be used again. While you have access to a specific Super Troop, you will not be able to train its "regular" counterpart, and the 7-day access to that Super Troop cannot be canceled.

Can Super Troops be donated?

Yes! When your Clanmates request reinforcements, you will be able to donate the Super version of that Troop (and also the normal version if you already have some trained). You can even request specific Super Troops using the new optional reinforcement request feature coming in this update, though in order to receive them someone in your Clan must actively have that specific Super Troop.

How many Super Troops are there?

For the Spring Update, there will be 4 different Super Troops available. Over the next few days, we will be revealing each of the different Super Troops that are coming with this update.

But, we will be adding more in the future. A lot more.

Stay tuned as tomorrow we will reveal the first Super Troop! Clash on!