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17 Sept 2022
Blog – Clash of Clans

Infinite Goblin Challenge Leaderboards

Hey Chief!

Welcome to the Clash Fest "Infinite Goblin" Challenge Level Leaderboard! This blog post will be updated with the daily top scores and after the Challenge Level event is over, there will be a raffle among the top 100 performers for some sweet Clash prizes.

Monday September 12th

  • #3 Clash Fest Challenge Level: "Infinite Goblin" by iTzu

  • Raffle prize among top 100's performers leaderboard (fastest triple):

    300 Goblin figurines

  • NOTE:

    The winner will receive an in-game message (envelope icon at top left corner of the Home Village) with instructions how to claim their prize

LEADERBOARD September 13th ("Infinite Goblin" by iTzu) - Fastest Triple

LEADERBOARD September 14h ("Infinite Goblin" by iTzu) - Fastest Triple

LEADERBOARD September 15th ("Infinite Goblin" by iTzu) - Fastest Triple

LEADERBOARD September 16th ("Infinite Goblin" by iTzu) - Fastest Triple

FINAL LEADERBOARD September 17th ("Infinite Goblin" by iTzu) - Fastest Triple


Clash Fest #3 Challenge "Infinite Goblin" by iTzu winner is dynamike4!