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Nov 21, 2019
Blog – Clash of Clans

Recruitment Tool Improvements (December Update)

Hey Chief!

As you might know by now, we are preparing for the big December Update...

But on a different topic - we've been reading your feedback regarding the latest changes to the Clan Recruitment Tool, and we wanted to let you know we'll be making a few additional improvements to its functionality.

The "behind the scenes" of the Recruitment Tool is powered by a complex machine-learning system that learns from player behavior and adjusts the algorithm accordingly. In the next update, we'll continue our ongoing efforts to improve the Player <> Clan country and language matching.

On the user-end, we’ll be making some additional player-facing improvements as well:

  • Add Clan Badges to the "Find New Members" list;

  • “View Clan” button on invitations from Clan;

  • Add a minimum Town Hall level requirement to Clan Settings;

  • Display an “Are you still looking?” prompt for players who haven’t accepted join requests for a while, and will toggle recruitment status to “Off” if the player selects “No";

  • Prompt players to toggle their recruitment status setting to “On” when searching for a Clan.

  • And we're currently looking into situations when players get a full inbox due to too many invites.

These changes in particular will go live in the December update, but we are constantly monitoring the recruitment tool to determine where we can add additional improvements, and it will be an ongoing endeavor.

Stay tuned for more update news over the coming weeks! Clash On!