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10 Jun 2024
Blog – Clash of Clans

Super Wall Breaker Spotlight & New Hero Equipment!

Hey Chief!

It’s time to break some Walls and unlock the NEW Hero Equipment Rocket Spear in the new Medal Event: Super Wall Breaker Spotlight!

The Super Wall Breaker Spotlight event will be available for players that are Town Hall 8 and up, and as before, you will be collecting Ice Cubes by doing in-game activities and progressing through the Event track. These Ice Cubes can be converted into Super Medals and will unlock special rewards such as the new Royal Champion Hero Equipment: The Rocket Spear!

Event Dates:

Super Wall Breaker Spotlight Event starts:

  • Date: Tuesday, June 11th, 2024

  • Time: 08:00am UTC

Super Wall Breaker Spotlight Event ends:

  • Date: Friday, June 21st, 2024 

  • Time: 08:00am UTC

After the event ends on June 21st, you’ll still be able to continue accessing the Trader’s Event tab and the Medal Event Building (Ice bath) for 2 more days. This means that you’ll still be able to exchange your Super Medals for rewards until June 23rd at 08:00 AM

Super Wall Breaker Spotlight Resource: Ice Cubes

Throughout the event you’ll need to collect Ice Cubes to cool things down! By raiding other players in Multiplayer Battles you’ll earn Ice Cube. Ice Cubes collected are based on how many Stars you earn. By using Super Wall Breakers in your attacks you’ll earn bonus Ice Cubes at the end of each attack! Additionally, you’ll be able to regularly collect this resource from your Super Ice Bath, the event building. The more Ice Cubes you collect, the more rewards you’ll unlock, such as Ores, Decorations and more!

What’s better than regular Medals? Super Medals!

Collecting Ice Cubes will allow you to unlock special rewards, including Super Medals - this event’s currency that you can spend at the Trader’s Shop. Use your Super Medals to purchase a unique seasonal Decoration, resources such as Ores for your Hero Equipment, Magic Items and more. The top-tier item we know you’ll all be grinding for is Rocket Spear, the new Epic Hero Equipment! 

New Royal Champion Epic Hero Equipment: Rocket Spear:

The new Equipment has an active ability that grants more damage & bigger attack range to Royale Champion's spear throws! This means that when the ability is activated the next spears the Royal Champion throws can be shot from further away and they deal more damage. How many spears are boosted and how much extra damage each one does depends on the Rocket Spear’s level.

Exclusive Event Rewards!

Besides the regular rewards on the Event track, you will still have the chance to win these exclusive event rewards - check them out below, Chief!

Cactus Guy Statue

This stoney Cactus decoration is available as a reward in the Event Pass by collecting 5550 Ice Cubes!

Cowboy Skeleton

This wild Skeleton decoration is available as the final reward in the regular Event track, you can unlock this reward by collecting 10,000 Ice Cubes!

Dragon Totem

This Dragon Totem is available as a reward on the Event Trader Shop for 1025 Super Medals!

That’s it, Chief! You’ll be able to play this event starting tomorrow, June 11th at 08:00 AM UTC! Go get those rewards, have fun & Break a Wall!

- The Clash of Clans team