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Feb 25, 2021
Blog – Clash of Clans

Worlds Warmup!

Hello fellow Clashers,

As you know the 2021 World Championship will begin in May, but we were wondering what we can do to bring back those memorable moments from last year’s World Championship. We want to see how strong the new teams in the esports scene are and how well they stand against the best teams in the World.

Well we found the answer - The ClashWorlds Warmup Tournament!

Top 8 clans from the March CWL Champion 1 will get a chance to compete against the 2020 World Finalists and other top clans from around the world for a $40,000 prizepool!

Gather your clan, get your layouts ready and see you in the March CWL!! ⚔️

Follow us on Twitter and Instagram to stay tuned for more information!