While Clan Capital is stealing the spotlight in this update, we’ll also be introducing some balance changes to the Home Village.
Level 12 Air Defense - HP increased from 1600 to 1650
Level 4 Seeking Air Mine - Damage increased from 2400 to 2500
Defensive Builder repair from 55/60 to 60/70 for level 3 & 4 Builder’s Hut respectively
Level 8 & 9 Super Dragon DPS decreased from 414/448 to 405/429
Super Dragon attack range decreased by 0.5 tiles
Level 4-10 Unicorn heals decreased from 59/62/65/68/71/74/77 to 58/60/62/64/66/68/70
Fixed an issue with Hero Pets sometimes becoming invisible
Fixed Archer Queen’s animation that would occasionally cause her to twitch before her first attack
Fixed graphics of Bomb Tower that caused troops to be hidden under its crater.
Added more precision to collision detection of logs
Adjusted trap triggering rules to not require unit movement
Decrease gem cost of donating troops without the 1-gem donation perk.
Air troops now take target building size into account when selecting and attacking targets. For example 4x4 TH can now be attacked from 0.5 tiles further away than before.
Ground troops now take building size into account when considering the closest targets. Earlier the closest targets would be determined based on distance to the building middle point.