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Clash Royale – Sep 29, 2021

Creator Spotlight: CLASHwithSHANE!

  • Hey Shane! Can you introduce yourself to the players?

Hi everyone! My name is Shane, and I am 31 years old from Alberta, Canada.

I started playing Clash Royale on day 1 of the soft launch way back in 2016 and immediately fell in love with it.

Before that, I was hardcore into Clash of Clans, so it was a natural transition within the Clash Universe.

  • How long have you been creating content/streaming?

Over 5.5 years! I uploaded my first youtube video about a month after the soft launch of Clash Royale and have been uploading every day since then.

It's crazy to think I started this journey in my 20s, and now I have a kid (with 1 more on the way). Time flies when you are having fun!

  • What are the highest Trophies you've reached?

7055 Trophies.

It was back when 7000 was Ultimate Champion League.

My highest finish ever was 1861 in the world.

  • What do you particularly enjoy in Clash Royale?

I absolutely love creating random deck combinations. It is SO satisfying catching opponents off guard with something unexpected! With 103 cards in Clash Royale, there are infinite possibilities! (Ok, not infinite, but like... basically infinite)

  • What is your current favorite card to play and why?

One of my favorite cards is the Sparky!! There is something about a giant machine that can basically destroy any push in 1 shot that is so satisfying to use. I don't play it often, but it's always a blast using it... see what I did there 😜

  • What's your best memory in Clash Royale?

I have made so many great memories, and friends made along the way!

By far the best of all was meeting fans in person at the CRL World Finals in 2019.

One particular fan had waited outside the venue to meet all the Creators as we were leaving, and getting to chat for a quick moment with them was truly special and I will never forget it.

It’s amazing how this game can bring together people from all across the world in all different walks of life!

  • Any tips or advice for players


Remember to have fun!

If you are feeling frustrated, take a short break and come back later. It's a video game, and games are meant to be fun :)

  • What's your favorite video you've made to date?

My favorite recent video is my 7.5 Elixir heaviest deck ever.

I love using off-meta decks like this because no one is expecting it.

  • What is your creator code?

My Creator Code is "Shane"!

Much love to anyone supporting me!

But if you're not using my code, make sure to support someone!

There're so many fantastic creators in the Clash Royale community.

  • What's next for you?

I am always looking to increase the quality of my videos and take my content to the next level. If you have any suggestions of things you want to see, send me a tweet or comment!

  • Anything else you'd like to say?

Thank you so much to Clash Royale and the entire community!

This YouTube journey has changed my life, and I owe everything to all of your support!

You can support CLASHwithSHANE by using the code Shane in the shop, and by following him on: