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13 Nov 2018
Blog – Clash Royale

Meet the CRL World Finalists!

From 25 million 20-win Challenge participants... to the final 6 teams competing for their shot at the World Championship title in Tokyo. 

Tune in on Dec 1 11am JST (that's Nov 30 6pm PST/9pm EST) to witness the first-ever Clash Royale League World Champion team being crowned in front of a live audience in Tokyo, Japan!

Now without further ado, meet the 6 teams representing the 5 CRL regions from around the world!

Immortals (@ImmortalsCR)

Representing CRL North America is... Immortals! After dominating the CRL NA league as the #1 ranked team for weeks, Immortals heads to Tokyo eager to prove their skill to the rest of the world.

Keep an eye on Royal: the Golem master is known for demolishing towers by slowly building up heavy offensive pushes. Here's a prime example of excellent Golem performance during the CRL NA Finals match (watch where he drops the Bandit too!)

Team Queso (@TeamQuesoGG)

Queso! Queso! Queso! You hear that chant? Of course you do! Why? Because it's Team Queso and their army of quesitos coming for that World Championship title. They took CRL Europe by storm... sweeping their opponents left and right. Can they do it again? Only time will tell. 

Key Player - Soking: he performs well under pressure, is a master of many deck archetypes and a 1v1 specialist. 

Vivo Keyd (@VivoKeyd)

Representing CRL LATAM is the one and only Vivo Keyd. Many claim LATAM has some of the most skilled players in the world... and after watching Vivo Keyd compete, it's easy to see why. Does VK have what it takes to beat the other regional champs, and prove LATAM's high skill? We'll soon find out.

Watch how Javi's precise gameplay turns a defensive play into the most critical 22 seconds of the CRL LATAM Finals (in Spanish).

Nova Esports (@NovaEsportsTeam)

If you haven't heard of Nova Esports yet, then you probably live under a Golem. This long lasting organization was one of the first to enter the mobile esports scene and quickly established themselves as the #1 CRL China team... twice in 2018 alone

They dominated Spring Season with astonishing performance, then defended their championship title with great tenacity during Fall Season. They're a major force to be reckoned with... and to top it off, Nova's team is made up of some of the best Clash Royale players known to date.

MVP - Auk: coming in seasoned and ready to prove Nova's dominance after Spring season, Auk quickly improved his 1v1 and 2v2 win rates to set him up as Nova's MVP for CRL Fall season.

PONOS Sports

Considered as 'The King of CRL Asia', PONOS Sports heads to Tokyo in hopes of dominating the rest of the world using a versatile and well-experienced team. With players like Mikan Bouya and Fuchi on their side, other regions will need to truly strategize on how to take on PONOS Sports from all possible angles.

Pro player and content creator - Mikan Bouya: specializes in 2v2 domination and King of the Hill (KOH) elimination.

KING-ZONE DragonX (@DragonxCr)

The mad scientists of CRL Asia: KING-ZONE DragonX experimented with multiple 1v1 player rotations during Season 2, resulting in heavy losses throughout the later half of the Season. Little did that stop them however, as it served as good practice for the multiple upcoming 1v1 games they'll face during the World Finals. 

Key Player - X-bow Master: a top 16 CCGS finalists and top-rated player... and of course, he's an X-bow master.

There you have it, your 2018 CRL World Finalists! Watch it all go down LIVE on the Clash Royale League Esports channel on Dec 1 JST/Nov 30 PST.

See you in the World Finals Arena,
The Clash Royale Team