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16 Mar 2019
Blog – Clash Royale

Your Invitation to the Clash Royale League!

It’s that time again, Clash Royale’s professional team-based esports league - the Clash Royale League… is back!

After experiencing last year’s CRL World Finals… it’s time to ask yourself: do I have what it takes to be a CRL pro?

Prove your skill and aim for 20 wins during March 21–26’s Clash Royale League Challenge. Winners of the challenge will have the chance to join a CRL team by moving on and competing in the next phase of the drafting process: CRL online qualifiers.

But wait… there’s more!

On top of qualifying for the CRL online qualifiers, you’ll also qualify for the chance at competing at World Cyber Games Festival (WCG), happening in Xi’an, China from July 18-21!

More info on WCG online qualifiers will be available: here soon

Make sure to check the Esports tab for more info on CRL!

We wish you the best of luck!

See you in the CRL Arena,

The Clash Royale Team