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Clash Royale — Oct 4, 2022

Balance Changes October 2022

These changes are now LIVE!


  • Goblin Gang ☝️

  • Elixir Golem ☝️

  • Cannon 👇

  • Cannon Cart 👇

  • Royal Hogs 👇

  • Mighty Miner 👇

  • Mortar 👇

  • Barbarian Hut 🔄

Read all the changes and the reason for them below!


  • Spear Goblins count: ☝️ (2 -> 3)

The greenest gang in the Arena has been relegated to a bottom-tier card for quite some time now. To help them regain their former glory, we’re bringing back the third Spear Goblin, who left the party five (!) years ago.


  • Attack speed:

    ☝️ (+15%, all forms)

While we’re happy with its recent rework, the new elixir split left it a tiny bit underpowered. Increasing the Hit Speed of all three forms (Elixir Golem, Elixir Golemite, Elixir Blob) will make it more of a threat when he’s reached a Crown Tower.


  • Hitpoints: 👇 (-8%)


  • Hitpoints (of destroyed form): 👇 (-8%)

Cannon is currently one of the most popular buildings, thanks to its low elixir cost and good durability. We’re reducing its Hitpoints to make it more fragile and leave space for other defensive options.

This change will also affect the destroyed form of the Cannon Cart.


  • First Hit: 👇 (-60% slower)

Who let the Hogs out? These little piggies have proven to be quite powerful in the meta, most of the time requiring a perfect answer from the opponent so they don’t hit a Crown Tower. By delaying the first hit, defensive troops and Crown Towers will have a slightly larger window to destroy them.


  • Hitpoints: 👇 (-8%)

The Mighty Miner has finally ended up in a strong place in the Arena. He’s a bit too mighty, as it turns out. We trimmed his mustache, which instantly reduced his Hitpoints.


  • Hitpoints: 👇 (-7%)

In the past few months, the Mortar has been gaining in popularity and strength thanks to new decks emerging with the Skeleton King. By reducing its Hitpoints, it will remain less time on the field and will be more easily destroyable.


  • Elixir Cost: 👇 (7 -> 6)

  • Spawn Speed: 👇 (11sec -> 15sec)

  • Spawn Count: ☝️ (2 -> 3)

  • Lifetime: 👇 (40sec -> 30sec)

  • Spawn on Death: 👇 (Barbarian x2 -> Barbarian x1)

  • Total Barbarians spawned: 👇 (10 -> 8)

The cozy Barbarian Hut has been the worst card in the game for a long time. We’re talking Heal spell levels of bad!

While we think that a “spawner meta” (Barb Hut, Goblin Hut, Furnace, Tombstone) makes the game more defensive and less fun, we also don’t want to leave this card in the depths of the Arena … and we definitely do not want to see a Barb Spirit!

This rework aims to encourage more aggressive plays with the Barbarian Hut by removing its defensive potential through various changes, while providing more value if it stays untouched.

These changes are now LIVE!

As always, let us know your thoughts and feedback on our social channels here:

See you in the Arena!

The Clash Royale Team