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18 Jun 2017
Blog – Clash Royale

Is the 2v2 Button Coming Back?

By now you've probably noticed that the 2v2 button on your Clash Royale main screen isn't a permanent feature and will be ending soon... but don't worry! It's coming back in July - for the entire month - also known as the "Summer of 2v2".

Our goal with this past week of 2v2 (and upcoming month of 2v2) is to see how you, the players, feel about it! Your likes, dislikes and suggestions for improvements. We want to soak it all up and then think about where to go next with 2v2.

For example, should it become a permanent feature - and if so, in what form? With a leaderboard or without? We'll be asking ourselves these questions after the Summer of 2v2.

In the mean time, please keep letting us know how you feel on the forums or reddit!

See you in the Arena,
The Clash Royale Team