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24 Oct 2022
Blog – Clash Royale

What will happen to your Trophies?

With the introduction of the Path of Legends, Leagues are moving away from the Trophy Road.

So what will happen to your Trophies and your Profile Badges when the update goes live?


On October 26th (Update Day), we will perform a final reset of Trophies for all players in the current Leagues.

This will be like a regular Season reset, so you will be able to collect rewards from 5000 Trophies and onwards again.

But this time, instead of using your last Trophies count, we’ll use your Highest Trophies count, and Trophies count after the reset will be capped at 6600 Trophies.

You will keep all of your previous badges and achievements, but the current Season will not count. Meaning that if you’re the number 1 player in Leagues when the reset happens on Oct. 26th, this will not be taken into account, and you will not receive the “Number 1” achievement/badge.

This is because it is not a full Season.

Your Highest Trophies and Best Season Rank (if you have one) will be displayed in the Player Profile’s new “Legacy” section.

The Path of Legends will then be immediately available to play with a full set of rewards, but the Season will be much shorter than usual (12 days).


On November 7th, the first full Ranked Season in the Path of Legends will start, and your Trophies will not reset.

You will be able to continue your journey on Trophy Road!

In the Path of Legends, all players will be placed in Challenger I and receive Win Multipliers depending on their ranking at the end of the Teaser Season. Top finishers will also receive the appropriate Badge upgrade according to their final rank in the Teaser Season.

View more information about the Path of Legends and Win Multipliers in the Update Article here!