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1 Apr 2019
Blog – Clash Royale

Balance Update Live! (4/1)

The way we approach card balance in Clash Royale is a combination of playtesting, listening to the community and looking at the stats. You can expect monthly balance updates to keep gameplay fine tuned and as fun as possible.

In this balance update we're taking a look at Witch, Flying Machine, Bandit and more!

Watch the quick-look video!

  • Witch:

    Spawns 3 Skeletons when destroyed

  • Flying Machine:

    Hit Speed reduced 1.0sec -> 1.1sec

  • Ram Rider:

    Snare Movement Reduction reduced 100% -> 85%

  • Giant Skeleton:

    First Attack faster 0.5sec -> 0.3sec, Mass increased 15 -> 18 (harder to move/push)

  • Bandit:

    Hitpoints -4%

  • Goblin Hut:

    Spawn Speed increased 4.75sec -> 4.5sec

For some clarification on Ram Rider's Snare... it can make troops look stunned, but Ram Rider's Snare mechanic only slows movement speed - not attack speed. Troops snared by Ram Rider can still attack, only now it will be more obvious as the snared troop will not be frozen in place!

Check out "the why" behind these changes!

See you in the Arena,
The Clash Royale Team