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2 Nov 2020
Blog – Clash Royale

NEW SEASON: Balance Changes & Pass Royale

See the new Season 17 content including balance changes, a new Arena, new Pass Royale rewards and more.


Unlock 70 Reward Tiers by earning Crowns from battles!

Pass Royale unlocks unique Season 17 rewards & perks.

Available in Season 17

  • Ghostly Treasures

    Tower Skin

  • Exclusive

    Mega Knight Emote

  • 35

    Pass Royale Rewards

  • 35

    FREE Rewards

With Pass Royale you instantly unlock:

  • Unlimited FREE re-entries and continues for Special Challenges

  • Automatic chest unlocking

    (to queue your next chest)

  • Strikes for all Pass Royale & Crown Chests

  • An exclusive Pass Royale GOLDEN name

  • Gifts for your Clanmates to collect


Head into the depths of the Royale castle and battle amongst the Royal Ghost's treasures. So that's where all your gold goes...


These changes will go live on Tuesday November 3rd.


  • Speed: Very Fast > Fast

  • Hitpoints: +14%

  • Damage: +5.5%

  • Hit Speed: -0.2sec (faster DPS)

"Twice as strong as Barbarians! Twice as tough as Barbarians! No longer twice as fast!"

Elite Barbarians have not been, uh... elite, for a long time!

This rework is aimed at reducing their most frustrating element (the Very Fast speed) in exchange for a wide range of stat buffs to make them competitive with other high Damage melee Troops.


  • Hit Speed: -0.1sec (faster DPS)

Knight is really popular, our pancake loving friend is really not. With Knight being in 25% of decks, high-DPS characters should be a good counter but since Mini P.E.K.K.A's last nerf he's been pretty weak.

We opted for a Hit Speed buff because it won't change any interactions or let the Mini P.E.K.K.A get to the tower more often, but it will help with overall DPS against tanky enemies.


  • Skeletons spawn closer to the edge of the summoning circle

Graveyard is the winningest win condition in the game! It's strong because Skeletons can spawn right on top of the target, often giving you little time to react.

With this change, Skeletons will spawn much closer to the edge, providing defenders more time to react and reducing the randomness (“RNG bad!!!1”) of spawn locations.


  • Hitpoints: +4%

This little ‘Skeleton Hut’ is the worst of the defensive spawners, so we are giving it a little bump in Hitpoints to help it survive random attacks. This also brings its base Hitpoints up to 440, a standard number we'd like to use for fragile cards, the same as Skeleton Dragons!


  • Damage: -3.5%

Electro Wizard has been among the strongest Troops in the game for pretty much his entire lifetime. The repeated stuns can be frustrating paired with his high Damage, so we wanted to give him a little short circuit.

This Damage reduction means both bolts don't kill a single Minion, letting him be swarmed a bit easier by cards like Minion Horde (which could use a nice indirect buff themselves).


  • First Hit Speed: 0.5sec > 1sec

Sparky has one of the highest win rates among pro competitors and is also a source of frustration for casual players.

The presence of Sparky in the meta basically forces players into carrying a stun or freeze effect, which can restrict deck building. We want to pull back the speed of her powerful blast after moving, and see how it affects the rest of the meta.

She will now take a full second to blast after moving, instead of 0.5sec.




The most mega of knights, Mega Knight now has a great selection of Emotes.

Keep an eye out for these Emotes available in Pass Royale, the Shop, and a special Mega RAGE challenge.

Oh and there’s a Skeleton Dragon... more info on that soon!