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14 Nov 2024
Blog – Clash Royale

November Balance Changes!

Check out the mid-November balance changes below:

Ram Rider

266 → 250 (-6.00%)

Charge Damage:
532 → 500 (-6.00%)

While we like that Ram Rider is much more viable with its recent buff, it has become a dominant win condition. Since the Charge is so much more consistent, we're reducing its Damage to balance it out.


Monster HP: 2752 → 2598 (-6.00%)

Goblinstein gets too much value for its Elixir cost, both offensively and defensively. We're reducing the Monster's HP to encourage players to use it a bit more tactically.

P.E.K.K.A Evolution

Heal per death:
376 → 282 (-25.00%)

Evolved P.E.K.K.A is still one of the metagame's strongest and most popular cards. This nerf aims to balance out its share in the metagame while still keeping it relevant.

Musketeer Evolution

Sniper Damage:
326 → 392 (20.00%)

We're increasing Evolved Musketeer's Sniper Damage to align the reward more with the difficulty of using the Snipe ability. It can now destroy Archer Queen and Baby Dragon with three bullets and destroy Inferno Dragon and Executioner combined with Giant Snowball.

See you in the Arena,
The Clash Royale Team