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10 Sept 2020
Blog – Clash Royale

Update Your Game!


This update addresses the following:


  • Boat Battle defeat end screen is no longer missing Fame points

  • Gold reward on Boat Battle end screen now match actual value awarded

  • Testing Boat Defenses when your Defenses are destroyed no longer uses Princess Towers

  • Can no longer exceed Boat Defense max defense capacity by tapping save at the same time on two accounts in the same Clan

  • Fixed multiple players attempting to add Boat Defenses at the same time instead blocking all defense slots

  • ‘Add Defenses’ button is now greyed out when Boat Defenses are full

  • Defense Destroyed notification is now given to a player when returning to Boat Attack screen after destroying a Boat Defense

  • Boat Defenses now match card levels of defending players decks (this change goes live at the start of Week 3)


  • “Matchmaking Failed” text when Boat is damaged, or you have no Boat Defenses, is now more descriptive

  • Music in Duels now lasts throughout full match

  • Going into overtime in a Duel no longer keeps the overtime music throughout subsequent battles

  • Unlocking a new card from the Trader did not show in a player’s Card Collection until restarting - this is now fixed

  • Gold reward for Duels was sometimes dependent on Crowns won, now it awards correct amount

  • Added countdown to Clan War ending

  • Fix for being stuck in the end of a river section

  • Fix for ensuring the correct chest is awarded at the end of a river section

  • Tiebreaker could award incorrect win to a player in Duels - this is now fixed


  • Tapping the Clan button now switches between War and Chat views

  • Chat message text made one point bigger

  • Clan can now be set to ‘Invite Only’ (display issue where Clan could only be seen as Open or Closed is resolved)

  • Clan tag now scales correctly so it doesn't overlap other UI elements


  • Pass Royale Queue Chest & Open Now buttons UI improved

  • Player can no longer enter 2v2 without a full deck

  • Friend button UI fixed in Tencent build

  • Fixed a crash that happened if the active Battle Deck had empty slots, and the player tried to create a Clan Trade.

  • Cloned Skeleton Barrel will now function correctly

  • Client no longer crashes if it restarts when there's a Clan Wars 2 tutorial with the pointing finger visible

  • Fixed player info screen trying to open the inbox view on other players, if the player has something new in their inbox

  • Fixed ‘ghost notifications’ for Emotes & Tower Skins sometimes appearing

  • Checkmark no longer appears under Pass Royale free Tower Skin Reward Tier

  • Fixed issue where copying a War Deck would give the following TID_DEEPLINK_EXPIRED message, these decks can now be copied correctly

  • Stopped Android build requesting camera permission

  • Wechat will now launch game correctly without requiring multiple logins

  • Lightning Strike now longer appears correctly on the Pass Royale free Tower Skin Reward Tier

  • Daily Gift was not awarding King Level 13 players with a gold/Star Point equivalent if a max card stack was offered. These max card stacks are now much less likely to appear

  • Game texts and localisations updated


Please update your game to enjoy the best possible Clash Royale experience!