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2 Jan 2025
Blog – Brawl Stars


Maintenance and Pizza Slices Bug Fix - January 3rd

  1. The Arcade Contests should now be working for everyone, including players who were stuck in the Arcade Contest reward screen

  2. Everyone's Pizza Slices will be reset to 0 after maintenance ends

  3. But there’s COMPENSATION for the players who started the event with 0 Pizza Slices before the maintenance

  4. The compensation is 300 Pizza Slices, and due to the high amount of players getting this compensation, it might take up to a few days to arrive in your account. It'll be delivered directly to your account (in the inbox - on the top right side of your screen, you will see a notification appear when it arrives)

  5. Players who bought Pizza Slices for Gems from the Shop will also be able to claim them again from the Shop

Additional information:

  • Players who started the event already with some Pizza Slices and have spent more than 300 of them in the Pizza Planet Shop won't be compensated (as they already got a “head start” in the event)

  • This issue happened because the Pizza Slices were replacing the Krusty Kash (a currency from a previous event), and, unfortunately, the unspent amount of currency earned in that event wasn't reset for all the Players before the Pizza Planet event started

  • We might have another maintenance later on or next week to fix more minor issues related to the event

We are sorry about this experience, but hopefully, the event will run smoothly after today!

The Pizza Planet event STARTS NOW, and you can get the Surge Lightyear Skin and the new Brawler Meeple FOR FREE! 

Your Mission: Collect Pizza Slices and use them on offers in the Pizza Planet Shop!

"How do I collect these tasty Pizza Slices?"
It's easy! You can gather them from the following sources:

  • Pizza Slices Calendar in the Shop (available daily)

  • Daily Offers in the Pizza Planet Shop

  • Seasonal Quests

  • Scoreboard Contest

  • Want more slices without grinding? You can also purchase them with Gems in the Shop!

"What can I do with Pizza Slices?"
Use your collected Pizza Slices in the Pizza Planet Shop on the left side of the lobby screen. There, you’ll find:

  • A FREEBIE BUNDLE every day!

  • The new Meeple Brawler

  • Starr Force Skins

  • Presents (It is still Brawlidays in our hearts!)

  • Cosmetics (Skins, Profile Icons, Sprays, Pins, and Bling)

  • Progression Items (Coins, PowerPoints, Hypercharge Starr Drops)

  • Surge Lightyear Skin (For those who have Surge unlocked!)

"How do I get the Surge Lightyear Skin?"
If you’ve already unlocked Surge, you can get the Surge Lightyear Skin for free!
If you haven’t unlocked Surge yet, here’s how you can do it:

  • Surge will be available in the Pizza Planet Shop throughout the entire event. As a Legendary Brawler, unlocking him will require a significant amount of Pizza Slices—but grind enough, and you can unlock a free Legendary Brawler!

  • Alternatively, you can unlock Surge with Credits. The skin will be available for free over the next 4 months—starting today!

  • If you’d rather skip the grind, you can also purchase Surge from the Shop for a good Gem offer.

"Did you say… Contest?!"
Yes, the Scoreboard Contest is back; this time, it’s all about 2v2 game modes! And you still earn points even if you lose!

  • You’ll receive tickets to play each day. Unused tickets will reset after 3 days.

  • Every 3 days, a new 2v2 game mode will be featured.

  • Every action you take in a match—whether it's taking down Brawlers, dealing damage, healing teammates, or completing objectives—will earn you points.

  • Win or lose, you’re still rewarded! Wins multiply your total points.

  • Enjoy Air Hockey and Special Delivery as available modes in the contest and 3v3 slots during the event!

"How many Pizza Slices can I get for free?"
There are plenty of ways to earn free Pizza Slices! Here’s the breakdown:

  • Pizza Calendar: 12 Pizza Slices per day (360 total)

  • Daily Offer Reveals in the Pizza Planet Shop: 1 per reveal (around 120 total). It may vary if you buy some of the Pizza Planet offers

  • Seasonal Quests: 30 Pizza Slices per quest (330 total)

  • Scoreboard Contest: Up to 150 Pizza Slices per contest (1650 total if you win all the matches. Or about 990 on average)

  • Random Freebies: 100 Pizza Slices, twice (200 total)

Max number of Pizza Slices you can earn for free: 2,660 (based on 100% win rate in the Contest)
Average number of Pizza Slices you can earn for free: 2,000 (based on average performance in the Contest)

"Does pineapple belong on pizza?"
That's a question only you can answer... 🍍