Sometimes, things have to change. Today, we are announcing one of the biggest changes to ever happen to Clash of Clans. Starting in the next update - Clash of Clans will never stop players from attacking (in Titan League or below)! This means:
No Troop, Spell, or Siege Machine Training time - they are ready instantly!
No Hero recovery time or Lives - they are never exhausted from battling!
Legend League players will retain their 8 battles a day limit, for now!
It is a new era of Clash! You can now play as much as you want. There will be no limits on your ability to attack over and over again, until your builders are busy and your storages are overflowing!
Why now? Well, Clash of Clans is turning 13 years old this year, and teenagers demand freedom. Who are we to tell a 13 year old game how many battles it can have?
In truth, Training Time has been a major complaint for players for a long time. It can be scary to remove something from a longtime successful game - we were concerned that Training Time and Resource Costs were part of the secret sauce of a decade old game. We removed Training Costs a few years ago and… it was great! Players responded to the removal of training costs by making more varied attack strategies, and we saw player enjoyment of Clash rise. That gave us the confidence to make this even bolder change.
The world is not the same as it was in 2012, when Clash of Clans first launched. Today, it feels outdated to wait 15+ minutes between each attack. Starting this month, that era will end. We want players to be able to play when they want, have longer sessions on the weekends or even be able to stream for hours. This helps players learn the battle mechanics faster, and progress through early Town Halls even quicker. So, uh, Clash On!
Clash of Clans is a unique game, because when activity is very high, we might not have enough bases for players to attack. Players sometimes see this when they get “stuck in the clouds”.
As part of this update, we are working on a new server tech called Match Anytime. If we run out of eligible bases, you will have the chance to attack a “snapshot base” of a real player. This is simply a base of someone under Shield - you will still be able to attack, gain loot, and trophies as normal. The defender will not lose any loot or trophies - the Shield still protects them. This prevents any player from running out of juicy bases to attack - only when we run out of real bases for you.
Snapshot bases are not new - Clan Wars and Legend League attacks already use this technology - but we are bringing them into Multiplayer Battles to give players faster matches. In this first update, you will not see if your snapshot base was attacked, but we will add them to the Replay Log in a future update so you can learn from those defenses too.
As of today, we are no longer selling Training Potions in any in-app purchase bundles Without Training Time for Troops, these Magic Items are being removed from the game. Training Treat will also be removed from Chest rewards.
We are leaving them in the Trader and Gold Pass for the time being, but when this feature goes live they will be removed from player inventory - remember to use them or they will be converted to Gems at the end of the month!
This also means the Training Perk in the Gold Pass track will be replaced, which brings us to…
One big change that must happen is coming to Donations - since Training Time is now zero, players can not just donate a Troop from their Army to a Clanmate.
When this update goes live, all Donations will require Elixir or Dark Elixir (depending on the Troop/Spell) to donate. We are still working on the exact values, but the goal is that Donations remain accessible. If you are short on resources, well, there is nothing stopping you from attacking again!
In addition, we are making Clan Castle Request timers a flat 10 minutes for all players (essentially giving the best Clan Perk to all players for free). This will allow you to request more often, even in lower level Clans. Remember the Training Perk from Gold Pass? We are planning to replace that with a Donation Request Timer reduction. With a Gold Pass, you will be able to request more Clan Castle reinforcements after every battle!
Another change is coming to Trophy Curves. We have previously balanced around the 2-attacks per session limit, and we are worried about excessive trophy inflation. We are going to reduce the amount of trophies earned from all Victories to address this, with the largest reduction occurring to 1-Star Victories. Don’t worry, you will still earn trophies for these wins and be able to climb, but it will be harder to do if you only get 1-Star victories.
We want to emphasize that this is a safety measure - we are not sure how many battles per day players will start, and we don’t want everyone boosted right into Legend League due to excessive trophy inflation. We will monitor the trophies of players day-by-day, and can adjust these values over time with a simple server maintenance.
Legend League is still limited to 8 attacks per day - FOR NOW! We intend on fixing this in a future update, but current data shows that most Legend League players do not complete their 8 battles already, so extending unlimited attacks to Legend League was pushed to a later date this year. For now, enjoy being able to complete all 8 Legend League battles in a single sitting!
This change is coming - quite soon! Stay tuned in the next few weeks for an official video preview followed up by Sneak Peeks from your favorite Creators. We have an action-packed next update for you, and we can’t wait to reveal more!